Sunday, April 3, 2022, marks the first day of National Library Week.
Usually, National Library Week is celebrated by going to the library, but since many libraries are still closed this year due to Covid-19, we wanted to find other ways to honor them.
In this spirit—and through Sunday, April 8, 2022—we invite you to take a photo of yourself holding any poetry book that you checked out from your local library. (It needn't be a Wave title, but if it is, that is nice too!) Then, post the picture on social media and tag your library and Wave Books (@wavepoetry), for a chance to win all the books from Wave's 2022 spring season. This season includes:
Please feel free to post as many pictures you would like, but note that your name will only be entered once into the lottery. A random winner will be announced on Wave's social media on Monday, April 11, 2022.
To show additional support for your library, you might want to follow these accounts and interact with other library lovers. ALA: Twitter: @ALALibrary, Facebook: @AmericanLibraryAssociation, Instagram: @americanlibraryassociation. Follow I Love Libraries: Twitter and Facebook: @IloveLibraries.