Garrett Caples is the author of the Wave Books publication Proses: Incomparable Parables! Fabulous Fables! Cruel Tales! as well as the poetry collections Lovers of Today (Wave, 2021), Power Ballads (Wave, 2016), Complications (Meritage, 2007), and The Garrett Caples Reader (Black Square, 1999). Wave published his book of essays Retrievals in 2014. He is an editor at City Lights Books, where he curates the Spotlight Poetry Series, and has edited books by such poets as Will Alexander, mimi tempest, Joyce Mansour, Norma Cole, Frank Lima, Stephen Jonas, and Diane di Prima, among numerous others. He is also the co-editor of The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia (California, 2013). He lives in San Francisco.
(Photo by Suzanne Kleid, turtle: Buster Nuggets) -
[The Garrett Caples Reader] displays genuine intellectual engagement along with its playful exuberance, making for a most winning combination.
Publishers Weekly
Caples supplies us with a full aesthetic meal, with alarming images right out of the French Surrealists. He also means what he says; regardless of any implications to the contrary, Caples is writing out of emotion, even well-done sentiment.
Max Winter, Rain Taxi
I adore [Caples’] prescription to read widely and even perversely; and his breezy style is engaging--despite the weighty title, the essay feels like some chunk of a great conversation you'd have over a couple of beers. And we need more poets weighing in on things the way he has here...
Don Share
With a supply of thumbnail biographies that read like the most improbable fiction, and a leisurely but learned style, Caples makes the minor seem major.
Ed Park, The Poetry Foundation
Reviews of books by Garrett Caples
Lovers of Today
Preserving Fire
Power Ballads
Quintessence of the Minor -
- "Tratatus" (on Bear Books)
- “Sundial Tone” (in Granta)
- “Aubade” (in Poetry)
- “Ordinary History America” (in Poetry)
- “Richard O. Moore Imagined as a Bob Dylan Song” (in OmniVerse)
- Bookslut, with Patrick James Dunagan
- PhillySound, with CAConrad
- Otolith, with Eileen Tabios
Articles by Garrett Caples
- “How to Rhyme” in Concrescent
- “Surrealism Is a Romantic Critique of the Avant-Garde from Within” in The Poetry Foundation
- “Kerouac as Poet: A Response to Cedar Sigo” in The Poetry Foundation
- “Two Chicagos” in The Poetry Foundation
- “The Secret Life of Sylvia Fein” in The San Francisco Bay Guardian
- “Homage to Ralph Nader” in The Brooklyn Rail -
Garrett Caples @ City Lights for Wave Books
Reading with Andrew Joron for the release of The Collected Poems of Philip Lamantia:
Reading three poems: