Gillian Conoley is the author of numerous collections of poetry, including The Plot Genie (Omnidawn, 2009); Profane Halo (Verse Press, 2005); Lovers in the Used World (Carnegie Mellon, 2001); Beckon (Carnegie Mellon, 1996); Tall Stranger (Carnegie Mellon, 1991), a finalist for the National Book Critics' Circle Award; and Some Gangster Pain (Carnegie Mellon, 1987). A recipient of the Jerome J. Shestack Poetry Prize from The American Poetry Review, several Pushcart Prizes, a National Endowment for the Arts award, and a Fund for Poetry Award, she is professor and Poet-in-Residence at Sonoma State University, where she is the founder and editor of VOLT Magazine. Her work has been widely anthologized, most recently in W.W. Norton's American Hybrid, Scribner's Best American Poetry, Fence's Best of Fence, Counterpath's Lyric Postmodernisms, and the Italian anthology, Nuova Poesia Americana, published by Oscar Mondadori.
Gillian Conoley’s poetry inhabits a space that Juliana Spahr and Claudia Rankine, among others, have called “where lyric meets language.
American Book Review
Conoley lights up American spaces and persons past and present, embedding quotes from poetic luminaries (Dickinson, Zukofsky) and showing a slant toward the Pacific coast.
Publisher's Weekly
Reviews of books by Gillian Conoley
Profane Halo
- “It Was The Beginning Of Joy And The End Of Pain” and “The Patient” (in Poets.org)
- “A Healing for Little Walter” (in Drunken Boat)
- Three poems (in Electronic Poetry Review)
- Three poems and “Advent” (in Jacket)
- “Love's Portfolio” (in Jubilat)
- “occupied” (in Occupy Writers)
- Experiments in Patience I-III (in The Offending Adam)
- Erasures (on the Omnidawn blog)
- Her Kind, with Dara Wier
- Las Vegas City Life, with Jarret Keene
- The Offending Adam, with Sara Mumolo
- The Poetry Society of America -
“Your Bowl of Mother” from 'Lectric Collective: