We couldn't be more excited about the array above, comprised of brand new books by MARY RUEFLE, TIMOTHY DONNELLY, PRAGEETA SHARMA, RACHEL ZUCKER, and DOROTHEA LASKY, and a brand new edition of MAGGIE NELSON's definitive work, Bluets.
These—our fall titles—are making their way around the world, but you can get them here right now and ON SALE: 33% off paperbacks, 20% off hardcovers. We'll run the sale until October 1.
If many of these pique your interest, you should get the whole set as a fall bundle, which affords an even greater discount at 40% off the list price, or right around $75 for all the books. Check out the bundle here: https://www.wavepoetry.com/pages/fall-2019-bundle
You can also get our best-editions subscription for 2019, which includes these titles as well as Michael Earl Craig's Woods and Clouds Interchangeable, Magdalena Zurawski's The Tiniest Muzzle Sings Songs of Freedom, Caroline Knox's Hear Trains, Aaron Kunin's Love Three, and Rosmarie and Keith Waldrop's Keeping / the window open. Check out the subscription here: https://www.wavepoetry.com/products/subscription-2019
And a little bit more about each of the new fall books:
The Problem of the Many, by Timothy Donnelly
"Impressive in its precise articulation and range of insights. . . . From gut flora to galaxies, these poems offer glimpses 'that waver like air above lit candles,' restoring meaning to the world in the process."—Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW
If The Cloud Corporation is, as John Ashbery called it, “the poetry of the future, here, today,” then Timothy Donnelly’s third collection, The Problem of the Many, is the poetry of the future yet further pressed to the end of history. In astonishingly textured poems powerful and adroit in their negotiation of a seeming totality of human experience, Donnelly confronts—from a contemporary vantage point—the clutter (and devastation) that civilization has left us with, enlisting agents as far flung as Prometheus, Flamin' Hot Cheetos, Jonah, NyQuil, and, especially, Alexander the Great.
SoundMachine, by Rachel Zucker
"SoundMachine’s immediacy and urgency make reading it an imperative"—Ploughshares
Rachel Zucker sweeps all the corners in this maximalist project of poems and prose, navigating love, loss, and personal and political despair. Through heartbreaking, often comic, genre-non-conforming pieces spanning the past 10 years, she trains her relentless attention on marriage, motherhood, grief, the need to speak, depression, sex, and many other topics. Part poetry, part memoir, part lyric essay—and not limited by any of these categories—SoundMachine is a book written out of the persistent feeling that the human voice is both a meaningless sound and the only way we know we exist.
Dunce, by Mary Ruefle
"These poems grace the readers with wonder, wisdom, and whim . . . securing Ruefle’s reputation among poets as the patron saint of childhood and the everyday."—Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW
In Dunce Mary Ruefle returns to the poetic practice that has always been at her core. With her startlingly fresh sensibility, she enraptures us in poem after poem by the intensity of her attention, with the imaginative flourishes of her being-in-the-world, always deep with mysteries, unexpected appearances, and abiding yearning.
Grief Sequence, by Prageeta Sharma
"There is so much generosity and bravery within each utterance, offering an intimate view of the life adrift."—Arkansas International
With staggering emotional honesty, Prageeta Sharma confronts the sudden loss of her spouse to cancer. Offering a series of poems rooted in the profoundly narrative yet disorienting experience of losing a loved one, she summons all of her resources in order to attempt any semblance, poetic or otherwise, of clear sense in trauma.
Animal, by Dorothea Lasky
A poem can burst out and then go away. It has its own force. And so be it.
Constellating four central topics—ghosts, colors, animals, and bees—in highly attuned prose, Dorothea Lasky explores the powers and complexities of the lyric, “metaphysical I,” which she exposes as one of the central expressions of human wildness. In deceptively simple language carrying profound insights—with a sense that is at once bold and subtle—Lasky serves as an encouraging guide through the startling, sometimes dangerous, always exhilarating landscapes of feral poetic imagination. Published in the Bagley Wright Lecture Series.
Bluets, by Maggie Nelson
"Balancing pathos with philosophy, she created a new kind of classicism, queer in content but elegant, almost cool in shape."—Hilton Als, The New Yorker
Since 2009, when it first published, to today, Bluets has drawn scores of readers with its surprising insights into the emotional depths that make us most human—via 240 short pieces, at once lyrical and philosophical, on the color blue. This beautiful hardcover edition celebrates Maggie Nelson’s uncompromising vision, inviting longtime fans and newcomers alike to experience and share in an indispensable work that continues to disrupt the literary landscape.