Pam Rehm is the author of Time Will Show (2018), The Larger Nature (2011), Small Works (2005), Gone to Earth (2001), To Give It Up (1994), and The Garment in which No One Had Slept (1993). She lives in Manhattan.
(Photo credit: Angie Rehm) -
Pam Rehm’s “This Tender Riot of Chaos,” from her forthcoming collection, Inner Verses, mysteriously resets the balance between outer and inner weather, the abstract and the concrete. Her poetry saints may include both the William Carlos Williams of Spring and All and Robert Creeley, whose off-kilter lines keep us surprised. In her matter-of-fact meditativeness she has something in common with James Schuyler.
Angela Ball, The Best American Poetry
These poems have an angelic quality, a solid invisibility that buoys up the lines from under and around them. There is neither an I nor a Thou within range, but both of these seem to be balancing Rehm's thoughts from end to end.
Fanny Howe on Small Works
Pam Rehm possess[es] a lyric sensibility of deep, genuine reach.
Dan Beachy-Quick
Poetry is the antagonist of denial. Complicating the familiar world purely with the evidence of eye and insight, it insists upon the Spirit of things, even as life desolates our spirits with coarse familiarity. Pam Rehm, in this magnificent book of Showings, reveals new content and new contours in the breaking day. Her voice is a guide and guarantor.
Donald Revell -
-Four poems in Vandal Poem of the Day
-“Acts of Love” on Poetry Foundation
-“Acts of Vexation” on Poetry Foundation
-“Grace” in The Nation
-Excerpt from “The Larger Nature” in The Nation
-Four Poems in The Colorado Review
- The Colorado Review, with Katie Naughton